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The Thacher School

Ojai, CA

GOLD month

Adriana Gomez, Director of Alumni Giving

Supporters across the USA

Supporters across the World

Supporters (337)

All (337)
A group of GOLD and Formerly GOLD alums
A group of GOLD and formerly GOLD alumni
A group of GOLD and formerly GOLD alums
Abbey Alvarado
missing thacher! Sending love from Richmond ❤️
Abby Romo
Adam Marcelo
Aden Mandel
Adriana Gomez
I have so enjoyed the GOLD alums who I have gotten to know the past couple of years during GOLD month. Special shout out to the NYC GOLD alums who always show up and bring some great energy to the table!
Alden DelVecchio
Alejandro Wilcox
Alette Segerstrom
Alex Demopoulos
Alex Morris
Alex Varon
Alex Zaldastani
Alexander Yeagle
Alice Tang
Alyssa Ruiz
Amanda Ibañez
Amar Patel
Amber Brown
Ami Wallmark
Amy Feldman
Anand Shah
Andre Ntshaykolo
Andrea Viera
Andrew St. George
Ann Han
Anna Kelly
Anna-Liisa Eklund
Anne Gregory
Annie Everett
Annie Langan
Annika St. George
Apollo Kaneko
Auden Ehringer
Audrey Cussen
Avery Bearden
Avery Budlong
Bailey Cypheridge
Bea Pierrepont
Ms. Hoop got me 🥍
Beatrice Land
Ben Kelliher
Ben Yih
Ben Yoon
Benjamin Connor
I'll give more next year, saving up for our dog!
Blake Bowie
Bob Farrelly
Brad Callander
Braden Roh
Brooke Porter
Calum McGuckin
Hitmen on Horseback
Cameron Twichell
Carly Kirkpatrick
Caroline DelVecchio
Caroline Eastburn
Casey Gaughan
Catherine Raisin
Charles Kern
Charlie Kleeger
Go toads
Charlie Morgenstein
Charlie Tracy
GOLD gift, shoutout my prefectees and the class of ‘22
Charlotte Driscoll
Charlotte Kelliher
Chris Robinson
Chrissy St. George
Ciara Byrne
Clare Bilek
Clare McCormack
Colin Kirkpatrick
Colin McMahon
Colin Troughton
Colly Smith
Connor Callahan
Connor Lavine
Conor Kelly
Conrad Troast
Cosmo Cowles
Cyrus Leung
Daisy Galgon
Dashiell Chaiyasen
David Amano
Declan Kelly
Defne Egbo
Shoutout Nil Egbo’24 and the faculty that got me through 🧡🤍
Devon Roberts
Doug Klink
Dylan Jin-Ngo
Edel Galgon
In memory of Cora Mae Schryver
In memory of Cora Mae Schryver
Edison Chadwick
Elena Townsend-Lerdo
Elias Cesena
Eliza Goodyear
Elle Gannon
Ellie Gifford
Ellis Delvecchio
All credit for this donation goes to Mr. Jeff Berndt
Elsabet Jones
Emelia Daro
Emily Hidalgo
Emily Paek
Emily Su
Emma Gilmore
Kas got me
Emma Herzig
Emma Rogowski
Emma Whitley
Emmanuel Aruho
🐸 🐸 🐸
Eric Mao
Eric Oregel
Erik Berndt
Erin Slichter
Ethan Zhang
Evan Farese
Evan Perry
Faith Earley
Finn Ehringer
Finnegan Keilty
Ford Shaper
Formerly GOLD alums
Formerly GOLD alums
Gazi Rahman
In honor of the time Mr. Yates took me out to get Wendy’s chicken nuggets when I was feeling sad about Early Decision college application results 🐎🍊 Go orange team!
Georgia Driscoll
Grace Callander
Grace Golbere
Grace Zhang
Gracie Farese
Grady Jacobsen
Griffin McMahon
Griffin O'Neill
Gus Gamble
Hayden Houseman
Hayden Howard
Hayton Oei
Henry Mallory
In honor of Trevor Carson
Hillary Ellman
Holland Stacey
Homa Bakhiet
Dedicated to Mr Avery
Hyungwoo Noh
Ian Muir
Ian Zhang
Inga Conyngham
Isaac Hayman
Isabel Hosafros
Isabelle Doubleday
Isobel Hayne
Jack Pierrepont
Jack Richardson
Jackson Dolphin
Jackson Hollins
Jade Robinson
Jae-Hyun Rhee
Jahmari Josiah
Jake Conway
For Will Graff 💵💵
Jake Nelson-Slivon
James Day
The faculty!
James Eklund
Jamie Rush
Jane Gamble
For mr hoop being amusing
Jaq King
Jasmin Arculli
Jasmynn Roman
Jeffrey Ding
Shout out Mr. Meyer!
Jesse VanNewkirk
Jessica Donohue
Joanna Knutsen
Joe Walton
John Carey
John Kern
Jonathan Chang
The sunsets of the Ojai Valley
Jose Sanchez
Julia Girardoni
Toward financial aid! ✨🐸
Julian Amaya
Julianna Childs
Julien Luebbers
Kai Boas
Kallie O'Connor
Karla Ceja
Kathryn Kellner
Kathryn Lynch
Katie Vyhnal
Keely Simpson
Keira Yin
Kennedy Smith
Kevin Griffee
Kevin Ryu
Kipper Berven
Klara Jacobs
Kuma McCraw
Kyle Smith
Lachlan Nutting
Laura Kirkland
Lauren Mills
Laurence Jackson
Lawrence Langan
Leo Turpan
Lex Kirkwood
Lexie Silverman
Liam Carpenter-Urquhart
Liam Driscoll
In honor of Maria Morales-Kent; Cam Schryver
March gift from Liam Driscoll Gift in honor of Maria M Kent and Cam Schryver. The two kindest most hardworking people I’ve had the privileged of knowing.
Liam Kirkpatrick
Libby Galgon
My incredible athletic coaches who made my time there.
Libby Hatton
Riding on the back of a flatbed truck throwing alfalfa off the back for all the horses at pasture!
Libby Kern
Lili Boyle
Lily Harding
Lily Weingarten
Lindsey Greenhill
In honor of The horse department
Lizbeth Velasco
March Madness!! Queen Ezinne
Lizzie Zhang
Lola Henderson-Thomas
Luca Pieretti
Lukas Ceseña
Luke Letscher
Because so many people texted me
Lulu Patterson
Lydia Wood-Hull
Maddie McMorrow
Maddy Waltemath Meyers
Maeve Briggs
Maggie Sonenshine
Malena Solin
Marc Jiang
Margaret Phipps
Margaret Troast
Martin Porter
Mateo Thacher
Matthew James
Matthew Robinson
Max Golbere
Max Sondland
Maya Wendel
Maya Wilcox
Mia Zaldastani
Miguel Sierra
Mikayla Carrier
Minah Choi
Mitch Weil
Mya Bolden
Nan Macmillan
Natalia Osuna Rodriguez
Nate Currie
Nevin Bernet
Nick Johnson
Nicole Bassolino
Nnaemeka Okonkwo
Noel Segerstrom
Nolan Vyhnal
Oakley Browning
Olivia de Polo
Orren Fox
Orrian Arnold
Owen Driscoll
Paiton Gleeson
shoutout to the green team! viva la verde! 💚
Paris Van Dyke
Pink Moments while hiking!
Pascal Cévaër-Corey
Paul Ammons
Paul Choi
Peter Callan
Peter Phipps
Peter Schmidt
Piper Stacey
Poppy Brittingham
Preston Brailer
Rachel Rex
Reade Rossman
Reese Proctor
Reyna Kleemeier
Riley Carney
Robert Welch
Keep up the good work. Go Blue Team!
Robin Evans
Roman Bergeron
Ronald Wong
Rose O'Neal
Viva orange team 🍊
Ryan Proctor
Sage Whipple
Sam Richardson
Sandy Yao
Sanford Ballou
In honor of Uncle Jack
Sarah Cunningham
Sarah Finch
Shout out to my riding group Taylor, Diego, Brianna, Lexie, Lily, and Connor.
Sarah Metz
Sarah Van Son
Selene Roh
In honor of Peter Robinson
Hope to be back one day and see all the beautiful faces and the sunset of Thacher again!
Serena Warren
Shallan Billault-Lee
Shelby Luce
Simon Novich
Skye Harbison
for my prefectees❤️
Sophia Fung
Sophie Bekins
Stella Frank
Sydney Yates
TJ Gwilliam
Taejung Kim
Talia Rangel
For financial aid
Taylor Tobin
Tea Wallmark
Thomas Hudson
Tiffany Butler
Tim Kent
Go 🐸
Tomas Fanning
Tommy Brittingham
Trevor Duggins
Truman Hanks
Tucker Bennett
Tucker Gwilliam
Tyler Berndt
Tyler James
Tyler Vondriska
Vanessa Lu
Vincent Langan
Wade Warren
Wally Baram
Wesley Liang
Will Callahan
Will Muir
Willa Hancock
William Graff
Mr.Conway - match please 🤙
William Keeling
William Newirth
Willie Halsted
Yao Yin
Zanna Gulick-Stutz
Adam silberberg
In honor of joel sohn
Grace bingham
In honor of Thacher continuing their work to become a safer space for students.
In honor of Peter Voevodsky CdeP 1953
In honor of Pedro
The smell of sagebrush on a trail ride
In honor of Financial Aid
I'm very encouraged by Thacher's recent equity and inclusion efforts. Moving from values statement to action!
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The Thacher School
5025 Thacher Rd, Ojai, CA 93023
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