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The Thacher School

Ojai, CA

Walker Bell Challenge 2024

“Come west, breathe deep, let these books and these hills and these horses be your teachers.” -Sherman Day Thacher

Jonnie Sutter, Director of Annual Giving


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Class year# Donors


Your support makes all the difference.

Gifts to the Walker Bell Challenge remain critically important in Thacher’s ability to offer a robust educational experience for our students. Philanthropy (the Annual Fund and endowment) accounts for more than half of Thacher’s operating budget each year. The ability to offer significant financial aid, provide students with inspiring teachers and mentors, cultivate their resilience through the horse and backcountry programs, and help them gain confidence on the field and on the stage is only possible with your partnership and generosity.

You may support any area of the Thacher experience with your gift, and all gifts regardless of size will help unlock important funding for our financial aid program, so we may continue to increase access to a Thacher education. For the last three years, Thacher has awarded $5 million in financial aid for students. This year, 30 percent of students receive financial aid, and those with the highest demonstrated need receive supplemental aid to cover books, riding and camping equipment, travel stipends for school breaks and family weekends, and town run allowances, so they may enjoy the full Thacher experience.

Join us in ringing the bell and coming together as a community once more.

See the Thacher community in action.

Experience some highlights of the year with live streamed events and a video library of other events and campus happenings.

Senior Exhibitions: Every senior gives a 30-minute presentation on a topic of their choice in this culminating academic event of the year. Click here to view the library of topics and recordings of their presentations, which this year ranged from the modern-day relevance of WWI to the pursuit of happiness, the production of two student films, topics in astrophysics, an examination of masculinity, the climate crisis, dance choreography, fashion rebels, a history of the blues, and so much more!

Check out our video library for recordings of Heads Invites, arts performances and concerts, student-produced camping video, and program overviews of our wellness and outdoor programs.

Find more content on social media.

Follow the official Thacher social media channels for videos, photos, and invitations for further engagement. Find us on Instagram at @TheThacherSchool or @ThacherCdeP, or on Facebook @ThacherSchool.

Campaign ended Friday, June 14th, 2024, 11:59 pm PDT
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Help support the 2024 Walker Bell Challenge! Your gift allows more students to access a Thacher education.
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The Thacher School
5025 Thacher Rd, Ojai, CA 93023
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