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The Thacher School

Ojai, CA

Walker Bell Challenge 2024

“Come west, breathe deep, let these books and these hills and these horses be your teachers.” -Sherman Day Thacher

Jonnie Sutter, Director of Annual Giving

Supporters across the USA

Supporters across the World

Supporters (866)

All (866)
A. Scott LeFevre
In Honor of Charlie LeFevre CdeP 2012!
A. Scott LeFevre
A. Scott LeFevre
Aaron Bush and Catherine Clifford
Abigail Romo
Adam Englund
Adam Harmon
Adelaide Hearst McClintock
Adriana Meza
The Carneys! :)
Aimee Brown-Nelson
To the faculty and staff who pour their hearts into this community. And congratulations to CdeP 2023!
Alan Silbergh
Albert Perez
Alberto Struck
Alden Blair
Alessandra Waste
Alex Simon
Alex Lee
Alex Min
Alexander Free
Alexander Macmillan
Alexander Marlantes
Alexandra Armstead
Alexandra Montague
Alfred Marks
Ali Arastu
Alice Hyde
Alina Everett
Alison Barbieri
Alison Greiner and Matthew Jacobson
Alison Nikitopoulos
Alissa Tafti
Alix Blair
Kelley Janes
Allison Barbey
Amanda Hartnack
In honor of Our amazing classmate Alissa Tafti. She is truly an inspiration to us all and I am scared of what she will do to me if I do not donate.
I would like to personally thank Alissa Tafti for being such a beacon of light for our class.
Amanda Nonomura
Amanda and Thomas Lister
Ame and Doug Van Dyke
Go Orange!
Anand Shah
Anderson Chow
Anderson Clark
In honor of Evan Charles Werlin and James Francis Foster Dibblee
In memory of James Francis Foster Dibblee and Evan Charles Werlin
Thank you for a lovely reunion year, for celebrating our classmates, and welcoming the Werlin family - it was incredible to see them. I am also excited to see the advances in mental health and wellness awareness that have developed since my time on campus - keep it up!
Andrew Atwong
In honor of Jeff Hooper
Andrew Barkan
Tafti for the win!
Andrew Holman
In honor of Bonnie Robinson
Andrew Leland
Andrew Pollet
Anjali Joseph
Anne Green Colonna d'Istria
Anne and Tony Thacher
Annie Nyborg
Annie Riddell
In honor of Roger Klausler
Anthony Ngo
Archana Dhawan
Thank you for an amazing education!
Auden Ehringer
Austin Krause
Avery Bearden
Awele I. Okigbo
Barbara H Lloyd
Willow Shaw, my granddaughter, loves the school. I visited with my other daughter, her aunt, for grandparents and friends day and we saw how wonderful the school is. A very special place! I am paying her tuition but I am sending this little extra, small, and I hope it will help.
Barbara Houze
my grandson had a wonderful freshmen year. I just wish I could add numerous zeros to amount. Thank you Thatcher!
Barrett Brown
Barrett Morse
Keep up the great work - thanks for the reminder call Charlie
Bayard Hollins
Thank you.
Beatrice Land
Becky Beckett
Ben Krokower
Ben Skye-Babbott
Bennett Barbakow
Betsy Atwater
Bianca Russell
Blake Bowie
Bonnie Bailer
In honor of Miles Armstead
Our grandson, Quinn Armstead, is a current student at Thacher. We are very proud of his accomplishments and growth.
Bonnie LaForge
Bonnie Porter
Bonnie Sharer
Bonnie Stoilkovich
Bonnie and Donald C. Long
Bradford Macneil
For all the great teachers I had at Thacher ...both faculty and my student friends!
Bret Richmond
In honor of Chuck Warren
Brian & Lisa Emme
Brian Bennett
Brian Driscoll
Brian Shaw
Brian Smallwood
Brigid McCarthy
Brittany Sanders
In honor of Lee Quong
Bronwen Murch
In honor of Macdonald Brooke Halsey II
Brooke Wharton
Brooks Walker
Bruce A Everett
Continued support for last 30 years
Bruce Belluschi
Mike Voevodsky, CdP’82 class rep
Bruce Poole
Bryan Beckham
In honor of 50th Reunion for CdP 1974
Trust my classmates from 1974 will "ring the bell" in honor of our 50th reunion.
Bryan Brockman
Brísha Howe
CC Hayne-Regan
In honor of survivors of abuse ❤️
Thank you, Alissa, for pressuring me into this. Not much, but better than someone else's 69 cents, immarite?
Cal Jensen
Cal Jensen, Genevieve Jensen
Calbraith Wheaton
Califia Davis
Alissa Tafti, the fun police said I couldn't donate an humorous amount. She's not the boss of me!
Cameron Boswell
Cameron Robertson
Cara Bonewitz
Caren Hatton
Carlo Soracco
Carlos López-Hollis
I was on campus yesterday and was struck by the beauty and uniqueness of our campus.
Carmieshra Gorman
Carol McConnell
Thank you to Everyone involved in Thacher’s Horse Program
Caroline Flohr
Caroline White
Dedicated to the brave members of the CdeP 1998 WhatsApp group
Caroline and Jose Amaya
Caroline and Timothy F. Brown CdeP 2008
Carolyn Chandler
Carolyn Kirkpatrick
Carson Land
Cassandra Chotipairat
Thank you for matching alumni donations!
Cat Caldwell Myers
Catherine A. and Owen M. Donahue
Catherine Good
Catherine Griffith
Catherine Pinkerton Keeling
In honor of Ian Housden
Cathy and Bob Fisher
Cecile and Doug Donath
Celia Stoltzfus
Charles Hancock
Charles Munzig
Charley Medigovich
Charlie Evans
Charlotte Kim
Chas Bonner
Chris Colson
Chris Frisina
In honor of Beckett Frisina
Chris Gordon
Chris Thomas
Much lov
Chris Vyhnal
In honor of Wyatt Mathis
Chris Yih
Christian Garris
Great job, development team!!
Christina MacCorkle
Christina Yuan
Christine Carter
Christine Johnson
Christopher Eaton
Christopher Grant
Christopher Land
Thanks to Emma Balina and all the other members of the Development Office who ring the bell and remind us to support the amazing work of the School!
Christopher Masson
Christopher Miller
In honor of Robert & Denise Miller
Chunhua Li
Go Thacher!
Cindy Castaneda
In honor of Bruce Oxley
Claire Behr
Letter from Head of School😊
Claire Chouinard
Claire Kendrick
Claire Milligan
Claire Shaw
Claire Vance
Clare Bilek
Clayton Kennedy
Clint Callan
Clinton Henderson
Clinton Lowe
Colin McMahon
Keep up the good work!
Collin Downey
Comfort Halsey
In memory of Macdonald Brooke Halsey Library Fund
Connie & David Lindsay
Connie & Howie Muir
In honor of the Schryvers
Thank you for the way in which you wove empathy, responsibility, grit, and horsemanship into the lives of those you taught or touched.
Conrad Troast
Coventry Berg
Criss Troast
Cynthia Kellogg
Cynthia and Darran Baird
Good luck, Emma!!!
DJ Sigband
Daniel Gregory
Daniel Krause
Daniel Vega
In memory of Amy Vanderloop
Danny Sonenshine
Danny Torjusen
Darryl Roberts
Dashiell Chaiyasen
Dave Babbott-Klein
Dave Garman
David Amuda
David Brailer
David Budlong
44 years of common sense on how to live life. Supporting a school that I still consider the best 4 years of my life! Mr. Huyler teaching me how to do math in my head the day I interviewed to attend the school back in 1976. Thank you Thacher.
David Chao
David Graham
David Heard
Great education, teachers, friends, memories and my horse Tequila.
David Moffitt
David Oxley
In honor of Marianne Oxley and Alex Wilson
David Pinkham
In honor of Tom Walden
David Sitzman
David Van Slyke
David Yue
David and Nancy Babbott
David and Patricia Oro
Dawn Alexandra Murray
Dawn Cleveland
Dawn Porter
Dayna Greene
Debbie Drake Dunne
In honor of Emma Balina
Thank you for all you have done for Thacher!
Debbie Piliero
Deborah Griffin
Deborah Tennant
Dee Thele
Deirdre Herbert Griffith
Derek Stutz
Dermond Thomas
My Thacher experience was truly life-changing and I want every student to experience the very best of Thacher!
Di Liao
Diana Garcia
Diana J. Lewis Callahan
Don Yates
In memory of keni kent
Donald E. Osborne
Donna Jones
Doug Kirkpatrick
Doug Klink
Douglas Land
Doyle Hayes
EMILY Wilson
Earl Beadle
Ed Barnes
Edgar Arceo
In honor of My Psych Students, CdP 2024
It's great to be back at Casa de Piedra. :)
Edison Chadwick
Edward Cahill
Edward Cahill
Edward Grether
Elena Brokaw
Elena Penny
Eli Wooten
Elisa Schwartz
Eliza Gregory
Elizabeth Clarke
In honor of All those who love and support Thacher
Thankful for all who are part of this home away from home!
Elizabeth Farley
Elizabeth Hieronymus
Olivia Thomas ‘24 phone a thon
Elizabeth Huntington
Elizabeth Olmsted
In honor of Jillian Seaton
Elizabeth Peretti
In honor of Betsy and Newlin Hastings
Elizabeth Y
Ellen Hamilton
Eloise Callander
Em Vargas
$500 matching
Emerson Gates
Emery Mitchem
Chuck Warren.
Emily Ayala
Theresa Vhynal is an inspiration!
Emily Hancock
Walker Bell Challenge and the love of Thacher
Emily Shaw
We are so grateful for this amazing community!
Emma Balina
In honor of The Thacher Alumni and Development Office
Thank you for being amazing colleagues, and for all of your hard work!! ❤️
Emma Gilmore
Emma Patterson
Emma White
Emmy Daro
Eric Anderson
Annabelle called from Thacher and inspired me to get my gift in before the end of week. Thanks, Annbelle!
Eric Butts
Eric Gross
The staff, teachers, parents, & alumni I spoke with at Gymkhana.
Eric Stoen
Eric Thomas
Erica Puccetti
Erica and Brian McLoughlin
Erik Fiske
Erin Hafkenschiel Donnelly
Erin Pata
In honor of Bob Isaacson
The best school I could have ever imagined for our kids.
Ernest May III
50-year reunion! class gift, Sorry I can not make it out there to celebrate!
Etienne Emanuel
Eunice Ruiz
Eva Wendel
Evan Herberts
Evan and Lisa Avery
In honor of Wyatt Mathis
Fiona McLaughlin
Francesca Fataar
Francoise Kasimirowski-Garcia
In honor of Matt Balano
Frank Nagle
Frederick Twichell
Frederick and Florence Wright
In honor of Robert Chesley
Freida Mock
In honor of Lee Quong
I am so impressed with the honesty and transparency of the school to be the best it can be fulfilling its values to the school family and community since the MTO report, a template and lesson for other institutions to aspire toward. Thanks.
Fritz Hatton
G. Clinton Pooley
may old casa de piedra not fade from our hearts
Gabriela S. and Joe B. Ceseña
Gail O'Brien
Dedicated to the extraordinary teachers at Thacher -Past and Present!
Gallia Vickery
Gary Roth
Genevieve Jensen
Geoffrey Bennett
George Arnold
George Lawrence
George R. Yelder Jr. CdeP 1976
Gerin River
Ginger and Richard Maxwell
Grace Lowe
Grace Zhang
Graham Douds
Grant Harmon
Gregg & Janet Lavine
Gregory Haggard
Gregory Smith
Gretchen H. and William S. Matzelle
Gretl Dupre Galgon
Gwin Whitney
Thacher memories and Bob Chesley '50
Gyalzen Lama
Hal Kotowsky
Hal Lewis
Hannah Everett
Hans Peter Goehrig
Grateful for the teachers, staff, and overall education that Thacher is providing to our two grandsons, Diego and Mateo Escalante.
Hans and Nancy Nielsen
Stuart and the Baseball Team
Hanson and Sasha Gifford
All the remarkable facutly and staff that make Thacher the place it is!
Harjit Khaira
The genuine care of my child’s advisor and other higher ups who look out for our children as they learn to balance academics, interests and exploration.
Harold Hallett Jr
In memory of Marvin Shagam
Harrison Hoffman
In honor of Chuck Warren
Harry Du Winona Zang
Go Toads!
Harry Williamson
In honor of Norman B Williamson
My father, my brother and sister and I all went to Thacher. It had an indelible impact on our lives. Grateful forever.
Haruko Mikitani
We really appreciate the Thacher community.
Hazel Ruiz
Heather Findlay
Heather Grant
Helen Bell
Henry Wagner
Hilary White
In honor of Tamima Al-Awar
Missing our classmate who would have this year been 40.
Hilary and Ned Doubleday
Holly and Casey Pieretti
Thank you to Dinero, EDT's, Muir Wise, and the wonderful faculty of Thacher!
Hugh Gordon
Hugh Gordon
In honor of Chuck Warren
Hunter Hollins
In honor of Bonnie Robinson
Go Toads!
Ian Boneysteele
Ian Fuller
Ian Muir
Ian Whittinghill
Blessed are the people who know the joyful sound! They walk, O Lord, in the light of Your countenance.
Ibtissam and Alan Davis
Faculty and staff
Iona Popa
In honor of The Carneys!
JJ Mazzola
Go Toads!
JJ Mazzola
Jeff Berndt and Jeff Hooper!
Jacey Cerda
Jack Pierrepont
Ms Kas!
Jackie Fiske
In honor of Peter Robinson
Thank you to the current Thacher students for calling!
Jackson Berler
Jackson Dolphin
Jackson Hollins
Jacque B. and William E. Connor II
Jacqueline Johnny
Thank you to all the faculty and employees of the Thacher School. I know my son's high school experience will be memorable.
Jaime Kellogg
James Burton
James Cowles
James Cowles
James Frain
James Hallett
James Luebbers
James Moffitt
James Munger
James Newton Howard
James Rubenstein
James Sligh
James Smith
James Taylor
James and Victoria Macmillian
Jamie Hastings
Jamie Rush
Jamil Abou-Samra
In the words of my friend Clinton Lowe, “I’m in love with The Thacher School.”
Jan Atchity
In honor of Sara Billings and the Development Office
Jane (Kwett) Nadaraja
Jane B. and Jary A. Archer
Jane Yao
Janeen Braham
In memory of my grandfather George Mayberry III. Though only allowed to finish a 6th grade education, he instilled in me a love and respect for learning.
Janet Cipriano
Jason Wenz
Jason and Megan Carney
Javier Delgadillo
Jay A. Gudebski
Jay Alden
Jean Rogers
Great education and social development
Jeanie and Darryl Shaper
Jeanine & Robert Getz
We drank the Thacher kool-aid! 🧡🐸🧡
Jeff & Sheran Becker
Jeff Kimball
Jeff Rhee
Jeff and Meg Shih
Jeffrey Carr
Jeffrey and Kristin Berndt
Jennifer Holmes
Jennifer Kritz
In memory of Tanji Dewberry, Beth Williams and Hans Ottsen
Jeremy & Kate Green
Jerry Bishop
Jerry and Kerry Holden
Jesse Wooten
Jessica Bliss
Jessica Trent
Jessica Yusuf
Jill Z. Manfredi
In honor of Judy Oberlander
In honor of Judy Oberlander, Former Thacher Faculty Partner and Current College Counseling Liaison, who is now a Rotary Club of Ojai 2024-2025 Ojai Living Treasure!
Jillian Seaton
Jillian Wade
Jin Noh
I like to participate the Walk Bell challenge. Thank you Thacher.
Joanna Knutsen
Joel Kyle
John A. Stephenson
John Busterud
John Callander
John Cicerone
John Hoover
In honor of A. Klausler
John Kingery
I wanted to help reach the goal of 100 alumni parents to unlock $75k in student scholarships : Walker Bell Challenge
John Lee
John Milligan
John Perry
John Pickering
John Webb
John aka "Jack" Look
John and Patty Abou-Samra Kearney
Jonathan Le Plastrier
Jordan Diamond
Jordan Lederer
Jordana Martin
Jose Carpio
In memory of Mr. Balano
Jose Estrada
Joseph Lamport
Joseph Wyatt
Josh Rosenblatt
Joshua Zannon
Joy Golbere
Julia Park
Julia Robinson
Julian Quasha
Julianna Childs
Julie Gardner-Williams
Julien Luebbers
Justin Buell
Alissa Tafti's adept ability to marshal peer pressure creates a thrilling and almost palpable sense of danger, where not contributing feels less like a minor oversight and more like a personal risk.
Justin M. Faggioli
Justin S. Grant
Justin Torres
Kaitlin Bond
Kara and Jeff Hooper
In memory of Paul Atwater Connolly
Kara and Jeff Hooper
In memory of James Dibblee
Karen Hollins
In honor of The Faculty and Staff
This gift is for the support we know you are all giving to the current students under Coach Hooper's leadership. Thank you.
Karl Frykman
Karl Koschnitzke
Karl Mertz Jr
Kate & Phil Kelliher
Katharine and John Kline
Katherine Browne
Katherine Buck and Kevin Preloger
Katherine Halsey
In memory of M. Brooke Halsey, II CdeP '00
Katherine Prager
I wish I could go back and spend a week learning, riding (horses and mountain bikes), and playing outside!
Katherine Sawyer
Kathleen Ellman
Kathryn Collier
Katie Isaacson Hames
Kayte Fisher
In honor of everyone who suffered from the words and actions of Michael Mulligan and Peter Robinson.
Kelley Janes
Kellie A. and Robert R. Coombs Jr.
Kellie Dolan
Alissa Tafti made me do it
Kelsey Harrington
Kendall Cannon
In honor of Mike Swan & Elizabeth Mahoney
Kenyon Phillips
Olivia Thomas and her dad, Dermond.
Kevin Preloger & Kathy Buck
Kim Thomas
Kim Turner
Kimberly Peterson
Kimberly and Dermond Thomas
Korzu Taplin
Kristian Whitsett
Kristin Marttila
Kristin Vanderloop
Kristopher Zierhut
Kurt Meyer
Kurt Huebner
Kurt and Jessica Lageschulte
Kyle Smith
Lance Ignon
Lane Hammond
In honor of Myron A Clark
Larry Bosche
Larry Lisle
email from Jeff Berndt
Laura & Randy Browning
Laura K. Van Winkle James
Laura Streeter
Laurel Edson
In honor of the Alumni & Development Office
All the love for the Toads!
Lauren Bangasser
Lauren Bosche
Lauren Cerre
Lauren Mills
Laurence Pelosi
Leandra Cooper
Leesa and Martin A. Romo
Leland Franklin
Leonard Brown
Lesley Sun
Leslie Sligh
Lew Mills
In memory of Luigi Vampa
Liam Callahan
Libby Galgon
Lidia Liddell
Lillian Boyle
Lily King
Lisa Kazazean
Thacher is an amazing school and community, thank you!
Lisa Kessler and Glenn Egrie
Lisa Prochazka
Lisa Varni
Lisandro Malissia
Liz Moffitt
In honor of Reid dennis
In memory of Reid Dennis
I’ve known the school for 65 years and believe it provides. the best education I can imagine for high school kids. Three generations of Moffitts have enjoyed the experience. I wish that I had the opportunity to go there!
Lizzy Brewer Chouinard
Logan Clark
Louisa Footman
Louise Curcio
Lucas Black
My love for my school
Lucas Currie
Lucia Craven
Peer pressure. Also I really miss Ojai oranges.
Lucrecia & Andres Rodriguez-Santibañez
Lucy Davies
Luis Jungo
Luke and Brooke Simpson
Class of 1974 50th Reunion
Madeleine Sowash
In honor of The Carneys and Peter Robinson
Malory Taylor
IHO Emma Balina - it's been a pleasure working with you
Mandy G. Sonenshine Wynn
Manuel NIkel-Zueger
In honor of Alissa Tafti
The eyes! The eyes! From all angles, batted eyes, at Alissa''s behest, beyond WhatsApp screens bear down upon me offering no rest. Peer pressure! Thanks to the whole Thacher School Community for all you do!
Margaret Cox
Margaret and Will Hearst
Margarita Billings
The great staff. The music teacher is amazing.
Margrit Parker
Marguerite Kissel Raleigh
In memory of Evan Werlin ‘04
Marilyn and Stephen Greiner
Mark Horwitz
In memory of Classmate's, faculty, and their children lost too soon in life.
Mark Mahan
Mark Yeh
Mark&Natasha Leydecker
In honor of Fred Lamb
Marshall C. Milligan
Marshall Gifford
Marta Cunningham
Martha Gregory
Mary Burke
In honor of Class of 2024
Congratulations to all of you!
Mary Rocca
María Hernandez
Mateo Clough
Matt Brewer
Matthew Chesley
In memory of Bob & Alice Chesley
Max Barbakow
Max Hoffman
Max Pillsbury
Max Rousselot
Maximillian von Wening
In honor of John Gates
Hope to see everyone at the next reunion!
Maya Reddy
Maya Wendel
Melanie Larkins
Melanie Leon
Melanie and Seth Berner - Boyd
Melissa McCarty
Melvin Galvez
Great School
Meredith Dworkin
Meriem Soliman
Mia Voevodsky
Michael Back
Michael Bekins
Michael Biermann
Michael Brooks
Michael Brown
Michael Chang
Michael Conway
Looking forward to seeing everyone in a couple years at the 45th (can't believe we're now the old folks at the reunion) ...
Michael Cummins
Michael Disner
Michael E. A. Ward CdeP 1958
Michael G Peletz
Michael Galgon
Michael Jones
Michael Morse
Michael Voevodsky
Michael and Brooke Toeller Kathrein
Michaela Andrews
Michelle Brown
Mirna Meza
Mitchell Cohen
In memory of John Gates
Mitchell Lathrop
In honor of John H. Huyler
Mohammad Bakhiet
Moizee Stewart
Donation email
Molly Taylor
Molly West
Monica Harish
Monique DeVane
Morgan Ward
Nancy Bauschinger
Natalie Camp
Nathan & Courtney Hamilton
Thank you!
Nathan Parker
Nathaniel Bisson CdeP 1980 & Keith Naftaly
In honor of Joy Sawyer Mulligan
Nathaniel Faggioli
Neal & Jennifer Reenan
Neal Howe
Nevin Bernet
Nicholas Horton
Nicholas Hubbard
Go Toads!
Nick Cunningham
Nick English
In honor of Class of 2024
Onward 💪
Nick Golding
Nick Kohli
Nicole and Matthew Jeffers
In honor of “Lucky” who stole our hearts this year
Nikki and Mark Mahan and Elizabeth and Newlin Hastings Jr
Nina Cohen
Noel Ferris
More than a place; more than a school.
Norman Rosenblatt
Oliver Domergue
Omar and Nancy Abou-Samra
Moustapha Jackson Abou-Samra Winningham CdeP 2028!!!
Orrian Arnold
Page O'Brien
Paige Glickman
Patricia G. Teague Anderson
Patrick Bates
Patrick Coughran
Paul A. Recsei
Paul Cohen
Paul Yelder
In honor of "Uncle" Jack Huyler & George R. Yelder, Sr. and their WW2 Connection
Peter Arnold
Peter Bray
Peter Farquhar
Peter G. Munzig
Peter Griggs
In honor of Robin Griggs, class of 1969
Peter Martin
Call from a student.
Peter Robinson
Phil Tinmouth & Brit Dewey
Love of Thacher and the whole team there!
Philip Angelides
Philip Murphy
Our 50th Reunion Class Gift went toward starting a Visiting Artists Program at Thacher. I'd like this contribution to the Walker Bell Challenge to go toward the Visiting Artists Program as well.
Philipe Manoux
In honor of Beth Williams
Phillip Hoos
Phoebe Halsey
In memory of Macdonald Brooke Halsey II
Phyllis Chase
Piper Stacey
Preston Brailer
Quinn Kanaly
Rachel Waltob
Rebecca Clyde
In honor of ALL of the amazing teachers, faculty, and staff
In particular, Tim Sullivan and Jeff Hooper
Rebecca Krueger
Rebecca Rose
Rebecca and Michael Fitzpatrick
Reilly Pollard
Reza Zafari
Rhea Wong
In honor of Olivia Thomas
This is for all of the future fundraisers:)
Richard E. Look
In honor of Archie Look CdeP 1964
Richard Fox
Richard Paige
In honor of Jack Huyler
Rob Nalumaluhia
Rob Shiras
Robert B. Schmidt
Robert Cerda
Robert Grether
Robert Landsness
In honor of In memory on Alyssa Tafti- may she always bring shame for those who don’t donate
I thought of not giving this year. But it would be much more to pay for the therapy needed from the shame that my dear classmate Alyssa Tafti would bring upon me. So this is really, really cheap therapy.
Robert Livermore
In honor of Alex Wilson
Had a great time at our 45th Reunion!!
Robert Rex
Robert Van Horne
Robin Walter
Rocky Brown
Rod Kuhns
Rodman Paul
Roger Coates
Remembering a good 2 years at Thacher
Roger Hooper
Roman Bergeron
Ron and Danielle Faris
Ronald Wu
Rosalie Minier
Alisa Tafti and my lovely classmates are still great at peer pressure after all these years!
Rosalind Vega
Ross S. Anderson
Russell Callander
Old times sake
Russell Grether
In memory of Marvin Shagam
Ruth Huyler Glass
In memory of Margaret & Jack Huyler
Ryan Church
Ryan Meyer
Peer pressure is real. Also, Alissa Tafti is very effective.
Ryan S. Wood
Ryan Smith
Ryan Winter
Great school, prepared me for many facets of life.
Sabina McMahon
Sage Whipple
Sam Felton
In honor of Gabe Yette
Samantha Hollins
Samantha Kirkeby
In memory of Cameron Sinclair Duke
Samuel F Purcell
In memory of John FH Purcell CdeP 1958
Sander & Erin van Otterloo
Sander Duncan
Sara Edwards
Sara Thacher
Sara and Chris Chaffin
Thacher is a gift. Thank you Mr. Hooper, the staff, teachers and advisors for all you do!
Sara and Mark Billings
In honor of Kevin Billings
Keep bucking!
Sarah Brennan
Sarah DelVecchio
Thank you, Development, for helping keep the school running! I love you folks!!!
Sarah Houseman
Sarah Lavender Smith
My husband Morgan and I are donating more than we initially intended after hearing the tragic news this week. We support Thacher fully and grieve for the community's loss. Thank you, Jeff Hooper and team, for your leadership and caring response. The school will always be in my heart, and and its values will always be my foundation. Note: half this gift comes from Morgan Smith CdeP '85, so the class of 1985 should get credit for another donor also and be credited with half this amount :-)
Sarah Lipman
Sarah Low
Alissa Tafti inspired me
Sarah O'Brien CdeP '86 and Aaron Dowling
Thank you to all of the dedicated and talented teachers at Thacher!
Sarah Perkins
Sarah Sawyer
Sarah Wheatley
Sarina Patel
Scott Cooper
Scott Vincent
Scott Wilson
Sean & Ladi Carr
Thank you for creating a wonderful learning sanctuary.
Sean Ehringer
Sean Ongley
Sean Park
Go Toads!
Sebastian Schell
Selby Van Horne
The 9th grade student who called me!
Sepideah Mohsenian-Rahman
Shannon Back
In honor of Did I hear there might be In n Out??
Shannon Higa
Shawna Lee
Shawna Weseloh Biel
Shayla Yellowhair
Shayne Spaulding
Sheila Henry
Shell Duncan Grimes
Shuyi Tang and Zheng Yang
Sigurd and Mary Murphy
Simon Novich
Skye Rohde
In memory of Tanji Dewberry & Elizabeth Williams, CdeP 1994
Sophie Julien O’Neal
Congrats Orange Team on your Big Gymkhana triumph!
Stacy Palestrant and Tomer Rothschild
Stan Chiu
Stephanie Keo
Stephanie Lynch
Stephanie Weiler and Julie Shumaker
Stephen Clausen
Stephen Huyler
My 55th class reunion this June. If the class is choosing a special gift this year, then I would prefer it be applied to that.
Stephen Mailer
Stephen Mayne
In honor of JOHN G .LEWIS '59, TRUSTEE
A dear friend who gave so much to Thacher
Stephen Whitney
Gift is to add to participation percentage and to qualify for $500 match. Thanks to the match donor for the generous offer.
Stephen Yih
Steven Benioff
Stuart Johnson
Stuart McCluer
Stuart Work
Sydney Robertson
Tamara Haggard
Tammy and Ed Bennett
Tara Finnigan
Jill Manfredi's peer pressure
Tatyana Rem
Taylor Medina
Tessa Enright
The Svensson Wallmark Family
Theodore Craver
Alissa is bossy
Theodore buerger
Theresa Vyhnal
Thomas Belknap
Thomas Irwin
Thomas Morgan
Thomas Wigert
Tim Daum
Tim Reed
Tim Stenovec
Tim Sullivan
I'm so inspired by the ways my colleagues show up for our students every single day. I couldn't be more grateful, or more proud.
Timothy Liu
Tina King
Todd Meyer
Tom Hale
In honor of The class of 1986
Tony Thacher
Tracy Miller
Trevor Currie
Trevor McProud
In honor of My great uncle Rick Lyttle (CdeP 44(?)) who recently passed.
Rick and his two brothers John and Herb all attended Thacher while growing up in Ojai at the Rancho dos Rios. Thacher was a formative experience for them and their frequent stories were the reason I attended.
Trinity Seely
Troy Pollet
Truman Hanks
Tycho Koll
Tyrone Pike
Vanessa Theroux
Vicente Barraza
Vicki Palor
Victoria Eaton
In honor of Emma Balina
Thanks for all your Thacher support The Eatons
Victoria Kroehl
Love of Thacher and the amazing experience I was gifted when I attended it.
Victoria Mortensen
In honor of Honey, mother, grandmother and lifelong educator.
Virginia Jones
Virginia and Josh Feira
Vladimir L Martinez
For all things Thacher, especially the Arts, Athletics and Horse Dept. Love of Students
Vondriska Family
Walter Woodhead
Ward Sorrick
Will Waste
William Clemens
William Dunbar
William Hoffman
William Kellogg
In memory of Jim Richardson, Mui NImanahaeminda and Jim Watts
Marshall Milligan's message moved me to take action!
William Muir
William Redfield
In memory of Marvin Shagam and Chuck Warren
William Vickery
Wils Dawson
Winslow Burleson
Yan Zhang
Yasmine Jones
Yerim Kim
Yosephina Peters
In honor of Ida B. Wells
To celebrate and support the Black and Scholarship students at Thacher. You really are carrying the weight of the whole school bringing forth the education to privileged institutions and the wealthy individuals that are at this school. All love for those students who are code-switching and putting in the extra work to be excellent!
Yung Roman
Alexis Bormann
Alissa started it. Caroline inspired it. $69.69 done. Cesar, I got you.
Carin yates
Craig golding
In honor of The Twichells
Dana howbert
Jack Rodie
John metcalf
John rubenstein
Teachers; testing my memory - her is a list in no particular order: Peter Robinson, Fred Lamb, Don Reed, Steve Griggs, Terry Twichell, Marvin Shagam, Peter Reid, Chuck Warren, Fred Whitehead, Bob Miller, Jesse Kahle, Lucy Buell, Jack Hyler, Mr MacDougal, Ted Sanford, Carl Brown, Mr Crandall, Mr Koch, Bill Hankinson, Mr Manley, Jug Reynolds, I apologize for those i could not recall.
Katie russell
May adams
Paul ammons
Rebecca bowman
Richard griffith
Stuart hwang
In honor of John Gates
In honor of DOMINE. Please bring back the singing of Domine at community dinners!
In honor of Marvin Shagam
In memory of David M. Trowbridge
Thank you Thacher School for "Honor Fairness Kindness and Truth"!!
Just trying to help get that goal for participation
Thanks to Stuart for all his hard work!
Great Memories! Thank you!
In memory of Wyatt Mathis
To a bright and kind soul. We miss you, Wyatt.
Our family is grateful for every faculty member who made such a memorable 4-year experience possible for my son at Thacher!
Caden Rogers, Graham Rogers, Marlow Rogers. The Grandmother of these wonderful Boys.
In memory of Marvin Shagam
In honor of Sid and Francie Brody
In honor of Marvin Shagam
Mr. & Mrs. Seely!!
Classmates no longer with us
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The Thacher School
5025 Thacher Rd, Ojai, CA 93023
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